Dr. Saha has completed his Bachelor degree from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna in 2008. He has completed his Masters and Doctoral Degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 2016 and 2020, respectively. His doctoral research was on the effect of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and the seismic retrofit for the piled abutment. He is now working on the noble chemical stabilization technique for loose/soft ground.
Saha P., Mahmud, H.I., Hossain, Q.S. and Islam,
M.Z., 2009. Passenger car equivalent (PCE) of through vehicles at signalized
intersections in Dhaka Metropolitan City, Bangladesh. IATSS
research, 33(2), pp.99-104.
Saha, P., Horikoshi, K. and Takahashi, A.,
2020. Performance of sheet pile to mitigate liquefaction-induced lateral
spreading of loose soil layer under the embankment. Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, 139, p.106410.
Saha, P., Horikoshi, K., & Takahashi, A.,
2021. Performance of sheet pile as a seismic retrofit for old piled abutment
subjected to liquefaction-induced lateral spreading. Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, 141, p. 106507.
SL | Collaboration & Membership Name | Type | Membership Year | Membership Expire Year |
1 | Institution of Engineers Bangladesh | Fellow | 2024 | |
2 | Institution of Engineers Bangladesh | Member | 2011 | 2024 |